Goethe’s A1 Exam Pattern | ASAP German Language Institute, Pune

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Details of Goethe’s A1 exam

The German A1 exam pattern is quite simple. As it’s a language, there are 4 modules- Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking. It is 60 points exam and you have to score 36 points (60%) to pass the exam.

What does the Goethe A1 Exam cover?

Goethe A1 exam consists of 4 modules, or parts, of 15 points each, for a total of 60 points. You need to score a minimum of 36 points to pass the exam.

  1. Listening (Hören)
  2. Reading (Lesen)
  3. Writing (Schreiben)
  4. Speaking (Sprechen)

Note: Don’t forget to watch the videos given below. I have solved one Goethe Institute A1 sample question paper for you. Read the blog first; this will make your understanding better.

Let’s talk about these four modules in detail now:

1. Listening (Hören) module: Time

20 minutes, 15 points

There are three parts (Teil) in the listening module. 

  1. Part1 (Dialog, played twice) – 6 points for 6 questions of Multiple choice type.
  2. Part2 (Announcements, played once) – 4 points for 4 questions – True or False.
  3. Part3 (Monolog, played twice) – 5 points for 5 questions of Multiple choice type.

Let’s see in detail:

Hören Part 1 (Teil 1) –6 points 

This consists of 6 questions and there will be 6 audios- dialogs. You’ll have a question and there will be 3 options- A, B and C. All 6 audios are played twice. You get enough time to understand the question and select your answer. If you listen carefully you can easily find the answers. See the image below. Note- Beispiel means Example.

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail-

  • Hören Part 2 (Teil 2): 4 points

    This consists of 4 statements (7 to 10; 0 is an example in the image below) and 4 audios. Every audio file will be played only once. You need to understand if the given statements are true (Richtig) or false (Falsch), according to the audio. The audio played is mostly the announcements- in the shopping center, at the railway station, or the Airport.Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

    Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail-

  • Part 3 (Teil 3) – 5 Points:

You will get 5 questions (11 to 15) and 5 Audio here and again there will be A, B, C options to every question. You have to listen to the audio carefully and select the answer. Every audio here is again played twice.


Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail-

To learn German at ASAP German Language Institute, please call/whatsapp us on +91-9209203333 or +91-9209206666.

2. Reading (Lesen) module of Goethe A1 exam

25 min, 15 Points

Again there are three parts to the reading module.

  • Part1 (Small letter/e-mail) – 5 points for 5 statements- True or False
  • Part2 (Websites) – 5 points for 5 questions – ‘a’ or ‘b’
  • Part3 (Information posters) – 5 points for 5 questions of Multiple choice type

Let’s talk about these four modules in detail-

  • Part 1 (Teil 1) – 5 points:

Two texts (mostly small letters) are given and there will be 5 statements. You have to find out if the given statements are True (Richtig) or False (Falsch) according to the texts. Below you can see the example in the image.

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune


Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail

  • Part 2 (Teil 2): 5 points:

In every question here, you will get two website screenshots and a purpose is given. You need to understand which website (A or B) will help you to fulfill your purpose. For this, there will be 5 questions, and for every question, there will be two websites A and B, you have to select which website is helpful. Beispiel or 0 number question is an example in the image below.

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail-

  • Part 3 (Teil 3): 5 points:

You will find one small piece of text information or an advertising poster in each question. Here you will have 5 statements and you have to find out whether the given statements according to the text are True (Richtig) or False (Falsch).

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail

3. Writing (Schreiben) module of Goethe A1 exam

20 min, 15 points

In the writing module, there are only 2 parts.

  • Part 1 (Form Filling): 5 points for 5 blanks in the form.
  • Part 2 (letter/email writing): 10 points for one email.

Let’s see in detail.

  • Part 1 (Teil 1): 5 points:

You will get text information about some person and one form to fill (for example hotel or flight booking form). You have to fill the form on behalf of that person. Read the question carefully. Please don’t fill your own info in the form:


Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail

  • Part 2 (Teil 2):

You will get one topic to write a letter or an email.  With the topic, you also get three points which you have to use in the letter. Write around 5 to 6 lines (around 30 words) on the given three points. The letter is for 10 points.

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail


4. Speaking (Sprechen) module of Goethe A1 exam-

15 min, 15 points

In the writing module, there are 3 parts. Speaking exam is done in the group of 3-4 students.

  • Part1 (Self Introduction) – 5 points
  • Part2 (Framing questions and answering) – 5 points
  • Part 3 (Framing requests) – 5 points

Let’s see in detail.

  • Part 1 (Teil 1) – 5 points:

You have to introduce yourself to the key points provided. The examiner may ask to spell some word, your mobile number, your birth date, or even email address with spelling. Answer everything carefully.


Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune


Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail

  • Part 2 (Teil 2) – 5 points:

You have to ask for some information from my partner. Here you will get a card; on the card, there will be theme given (for ex. Food and drink) and one word (for example, Sunday). You have to frame one question with the given theme and the word (for ex. What do you eat on Sunday?). You will get 2-3 cards and you have to frame 3 questions, and your partner will answer your question. Same, your partner will also get cards and you will have to answer his or her questions in one or max two sentences.

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail

  • Part 3 (Teil 3):

You will be shown some images here. Let’s say you will get an image of an apple and you will have to frame one request like- Can I eat that Apple or can you please eat that Apple? Your partner will reply to your requests and then you have to reply to his or her requests maximum in one line.

Goethe Exam Preparation Center in Pune

Watch the video below to learn and prepare this part in detail

End of the exam-

You will get separate answer paper and you have to fill your answers in the answer paper except speaking, of course, ☺

Exam results are displayed on Goethe’s website in around 10-15 days.

To learn German at ASAP German Language Institute, please call/WhatsApp us at +91-9209203333 or +91-9209206666.

Happy learning! 🙂


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