Are you planning to study French at a University in Canada and need to take some proficiency tests? As we all know, Canada is a bilingual country, with both English and French being spoken throughout the country. This article will give you information about it.

5 French Tests in Canada:

  1. Test d’évaluation de français (TEF)

The Test d’évaluation de français (TEF) is used to determine how well students study at an accredited institution. This test got designed for students who want to continue studying at an accredited institution in Québec or elsewhere in Canada.

  1. The French Language Proficiency Test

This is a standardized French language test designed for use by non-native speakers. A language proficiency exam measures a non-native speaker’s ability to speak and understand the French language.

  1. Language Benchmark Assessment (LBA)

LBA test assesses your ability to read, write, listen and speak effectively in daily situations to enter a program at an English-language college or university. The LBA is free, given to private businesses across Canada.

  1. Certificat de compétenceen communication écrite (CCE)

This test assesses both your written and oral communication skills. To pass this test, you must be able to communicate in oral and written French at a level appropriate for a Canadian working in an office environment that uses Quebec’s civil law terminology.

  1. Test de Connaissance du français (TCF)

This is a multiple-choice test designed to measure a candidate’s knowledge of French within one or more specific domains. The TCF tests your grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, listening comprehension, and reading comprehension.


In Canada, there are four French tests with different purposes used to measure French language competency. These French tests will help you gain the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed in a French setting in Canada. The first step is to choose the test that is right for you! To know more contact Asap German Language Institute in Pune