Germany alone withholds the fifth-largest economy in terms of financial beneficiaries and, it ambles to thrive among the top study and employment destinations for the aspirants overseas.

And with the pace of industrialization, Germany, in some recent surveys, plead to face an acute shortage of skilled professionals in the job market.

As far as the survey demographics depict, by 2023, the German job market will get hit with a shortage of a minimum of 3 million skilled-workers facing the current scenario.

Well, it’s their loss and chance to million aspirants planning to employ themselves away from their home country.

You might be curious to know why there’s so much need for skilled manpower in Germany? Because businesses are almost the same in each corner of the world. Reality is the widespread economy of Germany across different corners of the world.

Let’s talk about cars, for example. I’m sure you all are well aware of legendary car brands like Audi, BMW, Mercedes. Of course, everybody knows them.

What they don’t know that these all are German car brands killing the market with elegant designs and superior sustainability vehicles.

The widespread recognition of Germany in the world economic market ambles the steep demand for job seekers.

So what professions are leveraging of the highest paying jobs in Germany in coming 2021?

Our foremost expectations for beneficial professions would be STEM with a rapid rise in employment in the health-care sectors in recent years.

However, jobs among engineering, mechanical, electrical, and IT sectors still remain at the top in terms of availability and steep remunerations.

According to the survey graphs of CEDEFOP skill-forecast 2025, there will be ensured employment growth by25% into leading businesses and small-scale companies. All 25% shares the well-skilled high paying job professions.

German Employment Trends by sector, annual salaries, 2021

Successful graduation from a recognized German university in 2020 can leverage your immense job opportunities in their respective fields.

Job Opportunities in Germany rapidly rise due to new business arrival and cover-up for the retired professionals in the job market.

By 2021, the main sectors with huge job demands in fields like chemicals, engineering, IT, electronics, automobile manufacturers, shipbuilding, and textiles.

However, some non-practical businesses like the telecom industry and the flair to travel and tourism have also shown steep demands for skilled professionals to cater to the wealthiest paying jobs on German land.

Your right expertise in German lingual can standalone makes you a worthy asset for a german organization with average annual pays up to 30,000 Euros.

Keep that in mind there’s no place for unskilled professionals in the German job market. Language proficiency to the business geeks in Germany is a second thing to consider while hiring candidates across the world.

Your sole expertise in your profession is the only way you can employ in the wealthiest jobs in the German market.

Having the right college degree in your professional expertise from a recognized university is another big aspect hindering your chances of landing your dream job.

In this blog today, I’ve penned down the jobs in the German economy that pays the highest to their employees and jobs that have shown rapid demand for skilled professionals in the German job market in 2021.

Let’s take a detailed look at these jobs…

1. Sales Experts & Managers :

Rapid growth in sales and retail sectors due to the arrival of new businesses in the competitive market has catered a wide door of opportunities to international as well as native aspirants.

The prime expertise of the job is to understand the market needs and strategy to out-reach the market more efficiently.

  • Required Qualifications- Masters in Sales and Management
  • Average Annual Salary- 116,000 EUR/year

2. Healthcare- Professionals:

The healthcare profession is never-ending businesses across every corner of the world. And now people have become more consistent towards their health measures the demand for skilled labor has risen rapidly in the industry.

  • Required Qualifications- Master’s in Medicinal Industry
  • Average Annual Salary- 58.000 EUR/year

3. Biotechnology & Neuroscience Researchers:

Researchers catering to neuroscience and biotechnology sectors have the advantage of leveraging high paying salaries across countries contributing their knowledge in several precautionary types of research.

  • Required Qualifications- Master’s of Biotechnology/Neurosciences
  • Average Annual Salary- 50,000 EUR/year

4. IT & Data Science Experts:

With the Internet becoming the hub of marketing, IT sectors have grown steep demand for skilled developers, designers to cater to the first-world brand recognition measures. Jobs in IT and data science sectors have shown above-average annual salaries to the professionals catering to these digital world needs.

  • Required Qualifications- Master’s in CS/ Data science
  • Average Annual Salary- 47,000 EUR/year

5. Engineering Industry:

Engineering is the wide ocean of professionals for a plethora of industries including electrical, mechanical, aeronautical, and much more. And with the increasing demand for these manufacturers also opening a wide door of opportunities to skill-full entities across the globe.

  • Required Qualifications-Master’s in Electrical/Mechanical/ Hydro etc
  • Average Annual Salary- 46,000EUR /year

6. Finance & Accounting Professionals

Managing businesses and accounting is a tedious task to achieve at and if you’re not aware of the accounting principles, you will never succeed at your business financial planning.

So companies hire these skilled financial officers to manage the wealth-reputation of their businesses and believe me the career pays big salaries.

  • Required Qualifications- Master of Finance/Economics
  • Average Annual Salary- 44,000 EUR/year

7. Tutors/Lecturers

Teaching has also been a never-ending job opportunity as the world steadily focusing on educating their future generation with the best teaching possible. You can attain big salaries working as a teacher or personal tutor in Germany.

  • Required Qualifications- Masters in Education
  • Average Annual Salary- 40,000 EUR/year

8. Marketing & Administrative Sectors

Marketing professionals have also seen rapid demand as new businesses continued to grow. So maintaining wealth and appropriate brand recognition has become the sole key to succeed in your business.

  • Required Qualifications- MBAs/ Masters in Political Science
  • Average Annual Salary- 32,000/Euryear

9. Tourism& Hospitality Professionals

Germany has been an engaging tourism spot due to its cultural heritage and also tourism, the sector has got a lot of wealthier with more and more people venturing across German land. With demand, salaries have also taken a minor rise.

  • Required Qualifications- Master’s in tourism/hospitality
  • Average Annual Salary- 25,000 Eur/year

#The Federal Employment Agency (Bundesagentur für Arbeit, BA), is the wide-spread community of labor market services across Germany. The organization has merged over 700 agencies across the country catering to job employment services for international aspirants.

You can effortlessly create a profile with concise credentials filled on any agency website under the German Federal Employment Organization.

This boosts your chances of getting a job through an agency or a reputed recruitment officer which can almost deplete your key hustles of finding a job.

However, as long as you hold the right expertise and education, there will always be a dream job waiting just for you.

German Universities Whose Graduates Cater to Highest Salaries: 2021

This is where education from a recognized comes into play on the way of landing your dream job. Because of the professionals demanding their employees to be studied from German universities, chances of your selection readily rise once your CV flashes graduation from below mentioned universities.

A salary survey conducted last year depicted the demographics of top german universities whose graduates have accomplished to take up the biggest wealthiest salaries on the Geman land.

Graduates from the below-mentioned universities have attained the highest salaries as per 2019 depending upon the nature of the profession:

Working Environment in the German Employment Sector

  • With expected 38 hours/ week to cater to and a minimum of 18 days of holidays/ year for international employees to visit home.
  • German work culture is very factual and imperative. Businesses believe, behind every great achievement, lies prudently planned tasks and decisions.
  • Germans are very keen on punctuality and, it’s not a stereotype. Being late at the workplace is often considered as diligence to your profession and organization too.
  • Every decision and execution made within the company is a result of efficient employees. So a fixed schedule for each task is considered.
  • Germans communicate very openly when it comes to business, so there won’t be any chance of misconceptions and failures due to a communication bridge.
  • A median professional and personal life-balance in German employment is something we all must embrace.

However, at the initial stages of working on German land, aspirants are often advised to take up internships and part-time employments during their study tenure to be fully prepared for the aspects of the German job market on the completion of your study program.